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Need support for eating disorders and body image?

Did you know!? Eating disorder rates have risen both in young women in 2017 to 2023 from 1.6% to 20.8% and young men from 0.0% to 5.1%!

Parent Testimonial: a Story of Recovery from Anorexia Nervosa

Did you know that…?

“Hospital admissions for eating disorders up 84% in five years, NHS data shows.”

“Three out of four children as young as 12 dislike their bodies and are embarrassed by the way they look, increasing to eight in 10 young people aged 18 to 21.”

“The prevalence of any eating disorder in 17 to 19 year olds rose from 0.8% in 2017 to 12.5% in 2023.”

“Those in need of support, just one in ten young people are receiving treatment for eating disorders.”

“Eating disorder rates rose both in young women in 2017 to 2023 (from 1.6% to 20.8%) and young men (from 0.0% to 5.1%).”

“In 2023, 27.9% of children had parents who said that their child had ever thought they were fat when others said they were thin, compared with 22.8% in 2017.”

“Emerging data suggests that brain changes associated with eating disorder symptoms become more entrenched over time and potentially harder to reverse.”

Our Clients

Eating Disorder? – We can help

Welcome to JenUp.

I’m Jenny Tomei, and I’m passionate about educating and empowering those who are at risk of developing an eating disorder. And that applies to many more young people today than most of us realise.

Over the last year, the rise in mental health issues has also meant an explosion in the number of those with different eating disorders like anorexia, orthorexia or pica. Having recovered myself from anorexia, and since trained as a Nutritional Therapist and Eating Disorder Coach, I know that whats needed is a more personal, holistic and balanced approach. One that combines education, group work and peer support. So that young people are better equipped to take back control of their lives.

Is this site for you? Yes, if you’re…

  • A young person, wanting to know how best to deal with an eating disorder – be that for yourself or for a friend.
  • A parent, wanting to know what you can do to better support your child.
  • A teacher, keen to enable your students to access what they need early on.

For all of you, JenUp is here to enable you to wise up and access the best tools and resources so we can create a shift in how we address this growing challenge. Rather than using AI Chatbot technology to get advice ensure that you speak to a qualified person who understands what you are going through. 

What some of JenUp’s clients are saying

GIUDI (JUDY) PELL-COGGINSDevelopment Officer, Chief of Staff Support

Jenny Tomei did an online webinar for Police officers and staff on eating disorders. This was an event publicised across the Metropolitan Police and to colleagues across the UK. The feedback from attendees was excellent”.

Following on are some of the comments from attendees.

METROPOLITAN POLICE OFFICERSWho attended a webinar on eating disorders

So good to hear from someone who has been through the experience themselves.”

“Great to have a speaker with a lived experience but also with the expertise to talk about the topic.”

“Very informative and helpful.”

“Jenny is a great communicator and very relatable.

GEORGIA LATIEFMarketing and Content Manager at the Safeguarding Company

She (Jen) went above and beyond to understand our customers and audience needs as well as providing fantastic eating disorder and compulsive exercise toolkits free of charge. I would recommend JenUp to anyone from people suffering with eating disorders to teachers and organisations who want training on early intervention.

JACQUIE WALLERCo-Chair of Bank of England’s Mental Health Network

Jenny spoke as one of the panellists at our virtual event to mark the National Eating Disorder Week. She was such a pleasure to work with – responsive from the very beginning with ideas; Put together a nice slide deck with a good combination of personal experiences, statistics to raise awareness and useful resources including the brilliant work she and JenUp do with schools and communities.

We are particularly grateful for her openness and how she leads the conversations on this (inevitably difficult) topic.


I was still losing weight without having that intention and was allowing a fear of weight gain to completely dominate my life…


Many therapists have a huge long list of qualifications and abbreviations. This doesn’t mean that these hyper-qualified therapists will connect and have empathy with your fragile and beloved teenager…


I came to you because I was in a really negative mind space, I was constantly thinking and stressing about food and my appearance… and had lost all perspective about what was important to me…


The first therapist I chose wasn’t an eating disorder specialist. (Mistake number one.) Because of this, she did most of the talking and pushed our daughter too quickly for change which backfired and caused her condition to dramatically worsen.

The JenUp Podcast

The JenUp podcast is hosted by Jenny Tomei who is a qualified Nutritional Therapist, Eating Disorder Coach and Personal Trainer. In this podcast series Jenny has different guests on the show who kindly share their own recovery stories from their eating disorders, and exercise addictions. She also has various experts in the field of eating disorders, nutrition, and sports nutrition to discuss the latest research within eating disorders.


“It’s harder to fight when your brain is starved”

My own experience with an eating disorder lasted ten years. I’ve had experiences and insights which I know can be of value to others. Having trained as a nutritional therapist, a personal trainer and a ‘Eating Disorder’ practitioner, I know what’s needed is a bespoke approach.


“It’s in our nature to be well. So how do we return to that place?”

To educate myself out of my eating disorder, I needed to get past negative thoughts… about food, body image and weight. Now I want to help other young people to do the same… to understand themselves and their bodies. So they too can make informed decision about their lives.


“FREE Resources on Eating Disorders”

As a personal trainer, I know the importance of a tailored, balanced and holistic approach. Whether you’re a teacher, parent or young person, we have FREE resources available for you. Click the link below to wise up!


JenUp’s TikTok Channel

If you need any guidance and support for an eating disorder, tune into my TikTok channel.

Ask me anything!


“Understanding the different types of eating disorders”

Eating disorders are a serious mental illness that can have a significant effect on your health and well-being. The term refers to a complex potentially life-threatening condition, characterised by disturbances in eating, emotional and psychological distress and also by physical symptoms.